Jobs Premium Subscription

How do I cancel my subscription?
You may cancel your subscription at any time. For a cancellation to be effective for your next subscription cycle, it must be received at least 7 days prior...
Mon, 29 Oct, 2018 at 5:49 PM
What happens if I fail to cancel my subscription before the expiry date?
If the Premium subscription is not cancelled before the expiry date, your company will be automatically billed for another cycle of subscription. There will...
Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 at 2:32 PM
What happens to my job postings after I cancel my subscription?
After your company's subscription is canceled, all existing job postings will continue to run until they expire (after 60 days of being published), or a...
Fri, 18 Aug, 2023 at 4:27 PM
Can I pause my subscription?
We do not allow the pausing of subscriptions at the moment.
Mon, 10 Sep, 2018 at 1:32 PM
Will unused featured job postings be carried over to the next month?
No, they won't. Each month, you can only feature a maximum of 5 job postings.  Any unused featured job postings left in the month will not be carrie...
Mon, 29 Oct, 2018 at 5:51 PM
What does Salary Insight feature mean as mentioned under the Jobs Premium package?
Salary insight is a feature where you can explore salary data from various countries, job functions, and industries in one dashboard. You can play around wi...
Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 at 12:00 PM
How does the Recommended Talent feature work on Jobs Premium?
Our Recommended Talent algorithm will sort the most suitable talents that have applied to your job postings based on their skills and experiences, and highl...
Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 at 12:00 PM