Tech in Asia strives to provide exclusive, in-depth coverage for our subscribers. To acquire and retain subscribers, we make our best content exclusive to them (we call this "premium content").

As such, unlocking articles would mean lost revenue for us.

We do offer an option for companies that want to unlock their coverage for marketing purposes (sharing on social media or EDMs):

  • US$1,000 to move it to the soft paywall so that users can view under their five free articles per month 
  • US$2,000 to move it out of the paywall entirely so that anyone can view it

If you'd like to host the article outside of Tech in Asia (WeChat, etc.) there is a US$200 licensing adder, which also grants you the right to translate the content.

We typically unlock articles two weeks after they've been published.

For enquiries and custom deals, reach out to [email protected].